


5 stories

The Penguin UK cover for Yanis Varoufakis’s ‘Technofeudalism: What Killed Capitalism?’

Though this list is short, Utrecht, you made a fine choice in adding Francisco's article to it. It references a valuable selection of books on war, from Sun Tzu's The Art of War to Ulysses Grant's memoir.

I wish I'd had such a reading list when I served in the U.S. Navy (1974-78). As it was, we were taught the basics. Rules like "If an enemy is in range of your weapons, you may be in range of his." And one mentioned by a former member of the Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club, who'd been aboard the USS Coral Sea when her aircraft mined Haiphong Harbor. He described the dangers of any ship going into that harbor, enemy or neutral, when he said, "Mines are equal opportunity weapons."

Miss Catherine La Grange, spinster
Miss Catherine La Grange, spinster

Written by Miss Catherine La Grange, spinster

Retired high school social studies teacher in Michigan’s Up North. I’m a Presbyterian spinster, but I’m no Angel.

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