Thank you Laura. While I’ve got you on the phone, I read “Volunteerism” to my friends at my favorite watering hole, and they’d like to buy you a round. I was scrolling through old “Jevtiches”, spied that one, figured the gang might be interested - there’s a lot of volunteering around here. I figured right.
The part that got the biggest rise out of them was regarding the “organizations who use their volunteers like salaried employees…expect them to be shouted at, disparaged, gossiped about, and demeaned against.” A third of the peninsula’s residents are 65+, makes for plenty of willing hands, and a bunch of organizations have business models which exploit that. Suffice to say your article put into words what a lot of people feel. Thus the offers to buy you drinks. That said, those would only be pitchers of Pabst or Labatt’s.