Regarding God’s position on gay relationships, He completely supports them. I’m Presbyterian. I’m also a church-lady. One of the blue-haired “enforcers” who sit it the back pews, and tsk-tsk and shush people who chew gum, look at their phones, or grab ass during worship services. We also cluck at the minister when his sermons run too long. Therefore, I can say, with complete certainty, that God loves everyone who’s in a loving relationship. And also not-quite-loving, because maybe they’ll get there: friends with benefits, people seeking nookie, etc.
Anyway, I have no idea how some people can read their Bible and come away disapproving of gay relationships.
Ok, I do. The Bible consists of 66 books written by at least as many authors, based on about as many experiences, and reflecting as many points of view. It’s kinda like a holy fortune-telling eight-ball. You can come up with different answers depending on how you roll it. The trick lies in finding the scriptures which reflect God’s truth, and not that of someone who’s just trying to further his or her personal agenda.
Sheesh, Sieran, your comments certainly got me to talking. If I went on like that in the Fellowship Hall during the after-service coffee hour, someone would have shoved a pastry in my mouth a couple paragraphs ago.