Not gloating, OMY1. I'm frustrated. I'm a conservative. Our political system needs principled conservatives who can make the case for sound policies, effective governance, and fiscal restraint. Make it to the American people, and as part of the machinery of government. And call out hypocrisy on the Left.
Unfortunately, MAGA Republicans lack the moral and intellectual standing to make any kind of case, whether for or against things. They're too busy whining about woke, critical race theory, and stolen elections.
I believe we on the conservative side need to get our house in order and re-establish our credibility. To call out MAGA hucksters, instead of staying silent and appearing to support them. Until we do that, people on the Left will rightly say it's better to have flawed left-wing policies, than ones which are insulting, mean-spirited, unlawful, and crazy.