It took all of four lines, Mark, to learn that you and your family have a lot on your plate. I’ll mention it to my fellow church ladies tomorrow. We’ll rustle up some prayers to help you get through this.
We know prayer has its limits, of course. It’s not like we’re setting up an account for you and yours on the GoPrayerMe prayer-raising web site. Depositing our prayers in that account. So you can withdraw them later and redeem them for a miracle.
Nonetheless, we pray for people who are in a tough spot. We hope they may draw some small comfort from knowing we’re pulling for them to make it.
Furthermore, we know that praying for others places what we’re going through in perspective. Perhaps our challenges aren’t so great. We should be more appreciative of what we have.
So thank you for sharing your story. Accept our prayers that you be granted grace. And recognize that you have granted us grace in return. That’s no small thing for one person to do for another.