Hullo CHA. It's always such a pleasure to read your voice.
Regarding articles describing where I've been, there's just one, posted January 29, 2023: Crapshoot.
I haven't written any other personal stuff. I don't mind revealing things about me. It's just that other subjects are more interesting. For example, my last job was a year spent as a chauffeur in Northern Michigan, driving a Mercedes Benz Sprinter. It was one of the best jobs I've ever had. The clients were lovely people, mainly lawyers, business leaders, old buddies of the owners. The Sprinter itself was very cool: the interior was configured like an executive jet's passenger compartment, with leather swivel seats, fore and aft flat screen TVs, sound system, satellite TV and internet connections. But could I write something special about that experience? I doubt it. There's tons of chauffeurs out there who have fascinating experiences.
I could write stuff from my controller days. But I'd have to add a trigger warning to avoid exacerbating someone's fear of flying.
I was fascinated by your tale of the writer for the Late Night Talk Show. Her dogged persistence was impressive. I'd spend years of eating coleslaw for dinner three nights a week if that's what it took to eke out a writing career until a door to the big time opened. Or rather I would, if I could depend on my own window to stay open that long. Unfortunately, being 70 years old, my long-term thinking can't be as long-term as it used to be.
Nonetheless, I'm pondering the questions you raised: if I could write for TV or film, what would my focus be? Because if I figure that out, I'd focus my writing on it now.
As usual, CHA, you're a stimulating woman to speak with! Do you have that effect on others? Do people come to you to bounce ideas off you, or even just talk, knowing it'll spark their imaginations and send them in unanticipated directions? Granted, you may not be aware of the effect you have on others. All you may know is that, curiously, people gravitate towards you, and orbit around you. I could be wrong, of course. But I won't be surprised if it's true.