
Charles, you took my broad, coarse humor and created something polished and eloquent. <sigh> Perhaps I could do that if I'd gone to the university you attended. Instead of getting my "education", so to speak, from the U. S. Navy.

At least I got to "Join the Navy; see the world."

(I saw Iceland for 18 months. Which is a beautiful country, by the way. I wish I was there now. The naval air station would be a busy place, what with being eleven miles from the volcanic eruption at Grindavik - which itself is the site of a major naval communications station.)



Miss Catherine La Grange, spinster
Miss Catherine La Grange, spinster

Written by Miss Catherine La Grange, spinster

Retired high school social studies teacher in Michigan’s Up North. I’m a Presbyterian spinster, but I’m no Angel.

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