Block you Douglas? Absolutely freakin’ never! I like that you’re a hard third partier. That’s a reason why I like reading what you have to say. If you ever get indications that I’ve blocked, report it to Medium: it’s a malfunction.
Regarding Captain Kirk, everyone knows how he won over green aliens - the female ones, that is: he’d French them. Seriously, I read a book - musta been 40 or more years ago - about the production of the original Star Trek TV series. It was fascinating. One element was dealing with the censors. Among their prohibitions: the usuals about cussing, no costumes which revealed underboob (you may recall the original ST was notorious for revealing costumes, thanks to designer Bill Theiss), and no open-mouth kisses. Apparently, Shatner repeatedly tested that last one. I wouldn’t have been surprised to learn his nickname was “The Tongue.”